Frequently Searched: Furniture Rice Sugar Cement Battery

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the item description for 3802100030 of HScode France?

The description of the item 3802100030 of France HScode: Activated carbon (excl. medicaments or deodorant products for fridges, vehicles etc., put up for retail sale) : Chemically activated carbon |in pellet (cylindrical) form, with:-|a diameter of 2|mm or more but not more than 3|mm, and-|a Butane Working Capacity of 5|g butane/100ml or more (as determined by the ASTM D 5228|method)used for vapour absorption and desorption in emission control canisters of motor vehicles

What is the chapter code for 3802100030 of France HScode?

The chapter code for 3802100030 of France HScode: Chapter (28-38) – Section VI - Products of the chemical or allied industries

What are the other detailed codes for 3802100030 of France HScode?

Detailed code for 3802100030 of France HScode:

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