What is the item description for 1001190012 of HScode France?
The description of the item 1001190012 of France HScode: Durum wheat (excl. seed for sowing) : High quality durum wheat Durum wheat with a specific weight in kg/hl greater than or equal to|80, a maximum of 20,0|% of grains which have lost their vitreous aspect, a maximum of 10,0|% of matter which is not quality wheat grains of unimpaired quality of which a maximum of 7,0|% of broken and/or shrivelled grains, a maximum of 2,0|% grains damaged by pests, a maximum of 5,0|% grains affected with fusariosis and/or mottled grains, a maximum of 0,5|% of sprouted grains, a maximum of 1,0|% of miscellaneous impurities (Schwarzbesatz), a Hagberg falling number of a minimum of|250