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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the item description for 0201205092 of HScode France?

The description of the item 0201205092 of France HScode: "Unseparated or separated hindquarters of bovine animals, with bone in, fresh or chilled : Other : Separated hindquarters of a weight of 45|kg or more but not exceeding 75|kg (38|kg or more but not exceeding 68|kg in the case of ""Pistola"" cuts), with a low degree of ossification of the cartilages (more especially those of the vertebral apophyses), the meat of which is a light pink colour and the fat of which, of extremely fine structure, is white to light yellow in colour Of bison"

What is the chapter code for 0201205092 of France HScode?

The chapter code for 0201205092 of France HScode: Chapter (01-05) – Section I - Live animals; animal products

What are the other detailed codes for 0201205092 of France HScode?

Detailed code for 0201205092 of France HScode:

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