What is the item description for 844811000000 of HScode Turkey?
The description of the item 844811000000 of Turkey HScode: Auxiliary machinery for use with machines of heading 8444, 8445, 8446 or 8447 (for example, dobbies, jacquards, automatic stop motions, shuttle changing mechanisms) parts and accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the machines of this heading or of heading 8444, 8445, 8446 or 8447 (for example, spindles and spindle flyers, card clothing, combs, extruding nipples, shuttles, healds and heald-frames, hosiery needles): Auxiliary machinery for machines of heading 8444, 8445, 8446 or 8447: Dobbies and jacquards card-reducing, copying, punching or assembling machines for use therewith
What is the chapter code for 844811000000 of Turkey HScode?
The chapter code for 844811000000 of Turkey HScode: Chapter (84-85) – Section XVI - Machinery and mechanical appliances; electrical equipment; parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound recorders and reproducers, and parts and accessories of such articles