What is the item description for 841950 of HScode New-Zealand?
The description of the item 841950 of New-Zealand HScode: Machinery, plant or laboratory equipment, whether or not electrically heated (excluding furnaces, ovens and other equipment of heading 8514), for the treatment of materials by a process involving a change of temperature such as heating, cooking, roasting, distilling, rectifying, sterilising, pasteurising, steaming, drying, evaporating, vaporising, condensing or cooling, other than machinery or plant of a kind used for domestic purposes; instantaneous or storage water heaters, nonelectric : Heatexchange units
What is the chapter code for 841950 of New-Zealand HScode?
The chapter code for 841950 of New-Zealand HScode: Chapter (84-85) – Section XVI - Machinery and mechanical appliances; electrical equipment; parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound recorders and reproducers, and parts and accessories of such articles