What is the item description for 8540600000 of HScode Viet-Nam?
The description of the item 8540600000 of Viet-Nam HScode: Cathoderay tubes (excl. television and video-monitor cathoderay tubes, television camera tubes, image converters or intensifiers, other photo-cathode tubes, black and white or other monochrome data-graphic display tubes and colour data-graphic display tubes with a phosphor dot screen pitch of < 0,4 mm)
What is the chapter code for 8540600000 of Viet-Nam HScode?
The chapter code for 8540600000 of Viet-Nam HScode: Chapter (84-85) – Section XVI - Machinery and mechanical appliances; electrical equipment; parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound recorders and reproducers, and parts and accessories of such articles