What is the item description for 8451210000 of HScode Ukraine?
The description of the item 8451210000 of Ukraine HScode: Machinery (other than machines of heading 8450) for washing, cleaning, wringing, drying, ironing, pressing (including fusing presses), bleaching, dyeing, dressing, finishing, coating or impregnating textile yarns, fabrics or made-up textile articles and m: Dry-cleaning machines: Each of a dry linen capacity not exceeding 10 kg
What is the chapter code for 8451210000 of Ukraine HScode?
The chapter code for 8451210000 of Ukraine HScode: Chapter (84-85) – Section XVI - Machinery and mechanical appliances; electrical equipment; parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound recorders and reproducers, and parts and accessories of such articles