What is the item description for 42032901 of HScode Mexico?
The description of the item 42032901 of Mexico HScode: Prendas y complementos (accesorios), de vestir, de cuero natural o cuero regenerado: Guantes, mitones y manoplas: Los demás: Para protección contra radiaciones.
What is the chapter code for 42032901 of Mexico HScode?
The chapter code for 42032901 of Mexico HScode: Chapter (41-43) – Section VIII - Raw hides and skins, leather, furskins and articles thereof; saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar containers; articles of animal gut (other than silkworm gut)
What are the other detailed codes for 42032901 of Mexico HScode?
Detailed code for 42032901 of Mexico HScode: