What is the item description for 8714911023 of HScode Germany?
The description of the item 8714911023 of Germany HScode: Frames for cycles (excl. for motorcycles) : Painted, anodised, polished and/or lacquered Originating in or consigned from China:- in quantities below 300 units per month or to be transferred to a party in quantities below 300 units per month; or- to be transferred to another holder of an end-use authorisation or to exempted parties Frame, constructed from aluminium or aluminium and carbon fibres, for the use in the manufacture of bicycles (including e-bikes)
What is the chapter code for 8714911023 of Germany HScode?
The chapter code for 8714911023 of Germany HScode: Chapter (86-89) – Section XVII - Vehicles, aircraft, vessels and associated transport equipment