What is the item description for 8506501010 of HScode Germany?
The description of the item 8506501010 of Germany HScode: Lithium cells and batteries, in the form of cylindrical cells (excl. spent) : Lithium cylindrical primary cells with: -|a diameter of 14,0|mm or more but not more than 26,0|mm; -|a length of 2,2|mm or more but not more than 51|mm; -|a voltage of 1,5|V or more, but not more than 3,6|V; -|a capacity of 0,15|Ah or more, but not more than 5,00|Ahfor use in the manufacture of |telemetry and medical devices, electronic meters or remote controls
What is the chapter code for 8506501010 of Germany HScode?
The chapter code for 8506501010 of Germany HScode: Chapter (84-85) – Section XVI - Machinery and mechanical appliances; electrical equipment; parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound recorders and reproducers, and parts and accessories of such articles