What is the item description for 6809900000 of HScode Germany?
The description of the item 6809900000 of Germany HScode: Articles of plaster or of compositions based on plaster (excl. plaster bandages for straightening fractures, put up for retail sale; plaster splints for the treatment of fractures; lightweight with plaster agglomerated building boards or articles for heat-insulation, sound-insulation or sound absorption; anatomic and other models for demonstration purposes; non-ornamented boards, sheets, panels, tiles andsimilar articles)
What is the chapter code for 6809900000 of Germany HScode?
The chapter code for 6809900000 of Germany HScode: Chapter (68-70) – Section XIII - Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar materials; ceramic products; glass and glassware
What are the other detailed codes for 6809900000 of Germany HScode?
Detailed code for 6809900000 of Germany HScode: