= 96,5 % of esters ""FAMAE"") : Blends containing by weight 20|% or less of fatty-acid mono-alkyl esters or of a mixture of fatty-acid mono-alkyl esters and paraffinic gasoil obtained from synthesis and/or hydro-treatment, of non-fossil origin", Germany HS Code"> = 96,5 % of esters ""FAMAE"") : Blends containing by weight 20|% or less of fatty-acid mono-alkyl esters or of a mixture of fatty-acid mono-alkyl esters and paraffinic gasoil obtained from synthesis and/or hydro-treatment, of non-fossil origin": HS Code7 provides export and import data for HS code 3826009030 along with customs import duty details.">

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the item description for 3826009030 of HScode Germany?

The description of the item 3826009030 of Germany HScode: "Biodiesel and mixtures thereof, not containing or containing < 70 % by weight of petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals (excl. fatty-acid mono-alkyl esters containing by weight >= 96,5 % of esters ""FAMAE"") : Blends containing by weight 20|% or less of fatty-acid mono-alkyl esters or of a mixture of fatty-acid mono-alkyl esters and paraffinic gasoil obtained from synthesis and/or hydro-treatment, of non-fossil origin"

What is the chapter code for 3826009030 of Germany HScode?

The chapter code for 3826009030 of Germany HScode: Chapter (28-38) – Section VI - Products of the chemical or allied industries

What are the other detailed codes for 3826009030 of Germany HScode?

Detailed code for 3826009030 of Germany HScode:

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