What is the item description for 2811198050 of HScode Germany?
The description of the item 2811198050 of Germany HScode: "Inorganic acids (excl. hydrogen chloride ""hydrochloric acid"", chlorosulphuric acid, sulphuric acid, oleum, nitric acid, sulphonitric acids, phosphoric acid, polyphosphoric acids, boric acids, hydrogen fluoride ""hydrofluoric acid"", hydrogen bromide ""hydrobromic acid"" and hydrogen cyanide ""hydrocyanic acid"") : Sulphamidic acid (CAS RN 5329-14-6) with a purity by weight of 95 % or more, whether or not with not more than 5 % addition of the anti-caking agent silicon dioxide (CAS RN 112926-00-8)"