What is the item description for 8523410000 of HScode China?
The description of the item 8523410000 of China HScode: "Discs, tapes, solid-state nonvolatile storage devices, "" smart cards"" and other media for the recording of sound or of not recorded including matrices and masters for the production of discs, but excluding products of chopter 37: Optical media: Unrecorded optical media"
What is the chapter code for 8523410000 of China HScode?
The chapter code for 8523410000 of China HScode: Chapter (84-85) – Section XVI - Machinery and mechanical appliances; electrical equipment; parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound recorders and reproducers, and parts and accessories of such articles
What are the other detailed codes for 8523410000 of China HScode?
Detailed code for 8523410000 of China HScode: