Frequently Searched: Sugar Rice Cement Battery Furniture

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the item description for 5702320000 of HScode Peru?

The description of the item 5702320000 of Peru HScode: Alfombras y demás revestimientos para el suelo de materia textil tejidos excepto los de mechón insertado y los flocados aunque estén confeccionados incluidas las alfombras llamadas «kelim» o «kilim» «schumacks» o «soumak» «karamanie» y alfombras similares tejidas a mano: Los demás aterciopelados sin confeccionar: De materia textil sintética o artificial

What is the chapter code for 5702320000 of Peru HScode?

The chapter code for 5702320000 of Peru HScode: Chapter (50-63) – Section XI - Textiles and textile articles

What are the other detailed codes for 5702320000 of Peru HScode?

Detailed code for 5702320000 of Peru HScode:

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