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Section Codes Section Description
Section-01 Chapter (84-85) – Section XVI - Machinery and mechanical appliances; electrical equipment; parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound recorders and reproducers, and parts and accessories of such articles
Hs Codes Chapter
Chapter Chapter Description
Chapter-84 Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof
Hs Codes Heading Description Import Data Export Data
844511 Machines for preparing textile fibres; spinning, doubling or twisting machines and other machinery for producing textile yarns; textile reeling or winding (including weftwinding) machines and machines for preparing textile yarns for use on the machines of heading 8446 or 8447 : Machines for preparing textile fibres : Carding machines Import Data Export Data
844512 Machines for preparing textile fibres; spinning, doubling or twisting machines and other machinery for producing textile yarns; textile reeling or winding (including weftwinding) machines and machines for preparing textile yarns for use on the machines of heading 8446 or 8447 : Machines for preparing textile fibres : Combing machines Import Data Export Data
844513 Machines for preparing textile fibres; spinning, doubling or twisting machines and other machinery for producing textile yarns; textile reeling or winding (including weftwinding) machines and machines for preparing textile yarns for use on the machines of heading 8446 or 8447 : Machines for preparing textile fibres : Drawing or roving machines Import Data Export Data
844519 Machines for preparing textile fibres; spinning, doubling or twisting machines and other machinery for producing textile yarns; textile reeling or winding (including weftwinding) machines and machines for preparing textile yarns for use on the machines of heading 8446 or 8447 : Machines for preparing textile fibres : Other Import Data Export Data
844520 Machines for preparing textile fibres; spinning, doubling or twisting machines and other machinery for producing textile yarns; textile reeling or winding (including weftwinding) machines and machines for preparing textile yarns for use on the machines of heading 8446 or 8447 : Textile spinning machines Import Data Export Data
844530 Machines for preparing textile fibres; spinning, doubling or twisting machines and other machinery for producing textile yarns; textile reeling or winding (including weftwinding) machines and machines for preparing textile yarns for use on the machines of heading 8446 or 8447 : Textile doubling or twisting machines Import Data Export Data
844540 Machines for preparing textile fibres; spinning, doubling or twisting machines and other machinery for producing textile yarns; textile reeling or winding (including weftwinding) machines and machines for preparing textile yarns for use on the machines of heading 8446 or 8447 : Textile winding (including weftwinding) or reeling machines Import Data Export Data
844590 Machines for preparing textile fibres; spinning, doubling or twisting machines and other machinery for producing textile yarns; textile reeling or winding (including weftwinding) machines and machines for preparing textile yarns for use on the machines of heading 8446 or 8447 : Other Import Data Export Data

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the item description for 8445 of HScode Italy?

The description of the item 8445 of Italy HScode: Machines for preparing textile fibres; spinning, doubling or twisting machines and other machinery for producing textile yarns; textile reeling or winding (including weftwinding) machines and machines for preparing textile yarns for use on the machines of heading 8446 or 8447

What is the chapter code for 8445 of Italy HScode?

The chapter code for 8445 of Italy HScode: Chapter (84-85) – Section XVI - Machinery and mechanical appliances; electrical equipment; parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound recorders and reproducers, and parts and accessories of such articles

What are the other detailed codes for 8445 of Italy HScode?

Detailed code for 8445 of Italy HScode:
  • 844511: Machines for preparing textile fibres; spinning, doubling or twisting machines and other machinery for producing textile yarns; textile reeling or winding (including weftwinding) machines and machines for preparing textile yarns for use on the machines of heading 8446 or 8447 : Machines for preparing textile fibres : Carding machines
  • 844512: Machines for preparing textile fibres; spinning, doubling or twisting machines and other machinery for producing textile yarns; textile reeling or winding (including weftwinding) machines and machines for preparing textile yarns for use on the machines of heading 8446 or 8447 : Machines for preparing textile fibres : Combing machines
  • 844513: Machines for preparing textile fibres; spinning, doubling or twisting machines and other machinery for producing textile yarns; textile reeling or winding (including weftwinding) machines and machines for preparing textile yarns for use on the machines of heading 8446 or 8447 : Machines for preparing textile fibres : Drawing or roving machines
  • 844519: Machines for preparing textile fibres; spinning, doubling or twisting machines and other machinery for producing textile yarns; textile reeling or winding (including weftwinding) machines and machines for preparing textile yarns for use on the machines of heading 8446 or 8447 : Machines for preparing textile fibres : Other
  • 844520: Machines for preparing textile fibres; spinning, doubling or twisting machines and other machinery for producing textile yarns; textile reeling or winding (including weftwinding) machines and machines for preparing textile yarns for use on the machines of heading 8446 or 8447 : Textile spinning machines
  • 844530: Machines for preparing textile fibres; spinning, doubling or twisting machines and other machinery for producing textile yarns; textile reeling or winding (including weftwinding) machines and machines for preparing textile yarns for use on the machines of heading 8446 or 8447 : Textile doubling or twisting machines
  • 844540: Machines for preparing textile fibres; spinning, doubling or twisting machines and other machinery for producing textile yarns; textile reeling or winding (including weftwinding) machines and machines for preparing textile yarns for use on the machines of heading 8446 or 8447 : Textile winding (including weftwinding) or reeling machines
  • 844590: Machines for preparing textile fibres; spinning, doubling or twisting machines and other machinery for producing textile yarns; textile reeling or winding (including weftwinding) machines and machines for preparing textile yarns for use on the machines of heading 8446 or 8447 : Other
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