What is the item description for 6912002111 of HScode Italy?
The description of the item 6912002111 of Italy HScode: Tableware and kitchenware, of common pottery (excl. statuettes and other ornamental articles, pots, jars, carboys and similar receptacles for the conveyance or packing of goods, and coffee grinders and spice mills with receptacles made of ceramics and working parts of metal) : Hand-made Tableware and kitchenware, excluding condiment or spice mills and their ceramic grinding parts, coffee mills, knife sharpeners, sharpeners, kitchen tools to be used for cutting, grinding, grating, slicing, scraping and peeling, cordierite ceramic pizza-stones of a kind used for baking pizza or bread
What is the chapter code for 6912002111 of Italy HScode?
The chapter code for 6912002111 of Italy HScode: Chapter (68-70) – Section XIII - Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar materials; ceramic products; glass and glassware