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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the item description for 40021910 of HScode Chile?

The description of the item 40021910 of Chile HScode: Caucho sintético y caucho facticio derivado de los aceites en formas primarias o en placas hojas o tiras; mezclas de productos de la partida 40.01 con los de esta partida en formas primarias o en placas hojas o tiras: Caucho estireno-butadieno (SBR); caucho estireno-butadieno carboxilado (XSBR): Los demás: Caucho polibutadieno-estireno (sbr)

What is the chapter code for 40021910 of Chile HScode?

The chapter code for 40021910 of Chile HScode: Chapter (39-40) – Section VII - Plastics and articles thereof; rubber and articles thereof

What are the other detailed codes for 40021910 of Chile HScode?

Detailed code for 40021910 of Chile HScode:

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