What is the item description for 87089221 of HScode Canada?
The description of the item 87089221 of Canada HScode: Parts and accessories of the motor vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705 : Other parts and accessories : Silencers (mufflers) and exhaust pipes; parts thereof : Silencers (mufflers) and exhaust pipes : For the tractors of tariff item No. 8701.10.10, 8701.30.00, 8701.91.00, 8701.92.00, 8701.93.00, 8701.94.00 or 8701.95.90
What is the chapter code for 87089221 of Canada HScode?
The chapter code for 87089221 of Canada HScode: Chapter (86-89) – Section XVII - Vehicles, aircraft, vessels and associated transport equipment