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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the item description for 40149050 of HScode Botswana?

The description of the item 40149050 of Botswana HScode: Hygienic or pharmaceutical articles, incl. teats, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber), with or without fittings of hard rubber, n.e.s. (excl. sheath contraceptives and articles of apparel and clothing accessories, incl. gloves, for all purposes) : Syringes of a capacity exceeding 230 cm³; enemas; cushions (ringtype) and other inflatable articles for specialised nursing; oxygenbags, cannulae, vaporisers and other articles for the treatment orprevention of affections or diseases of the body (including earplugs);hot water bottles

What is the chapter code for 40149050 of Botswana HScode?

The chapter code for 40149050 of Botswana HScode: Chapter (39-40) – Section VII - Plastics and articles thereof; rubber and articles thereof

What are the other detailed codes for 40149050 of Botswana HScode?

Detailed code for 40149050 of Botswana HScode:

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